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The languages for which we have collected data are arranged on separate pages in this site called our Case Files. The case file for each language in our study has the data elicited by our standard questionnaires, supplemented by follow-up elicitations designed to explore areas that are richer in the language in question than the same area may be in some other language. In addition, many case files have other features, such as a short grammar sketch of the language, a bibliography, or short summaries or sketches of the empirical results achieved for the language in question, as well as posted publications of works of interest on the language of interest (e.g., the Kinande Dictionary) a sketch of the anaphora system (highlighting aspects of anaphora in the language that appear to raise interesting theoretical or analytic issues). For further information about what is in completed case files and how best to use them, see About the Case Files or go directly to our Case Files page to view the case files we have so far.

Another major feature of our site is the online Afranaph Database which permits sophisticated search and manipulation of the data we have collected. More information can be found in About the Database and a tutorial is available in How to use the Database.

Those expect that those who intend to use any information on our site should read our Fair Use and Citation page for appropriate guidelines.

Interested users can access our Anaphora Questionnaire (AQ) to see our basic field elicitation document. Information about our Elicitation of Primary Data, about how to Contact Us, about how to Become a Consultant, and our Plans for the Future of the site, as well as Our History and Prospects are all available with a click on the topics listed on the lefthand side of your screen.